Copy editing
What does a copy editor do?
A copy editor looks at your manuscript before it is put into publication layout.
When I copy edit, I check grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, consistency of style; consistency of characters, illustrations, and storyline. I fact check. I look at representation of individuals and cultures. I think about word frequency. As a former comprehension-focused language teacher, I also put myself in the place of a student reader and notice places where clarification is needed. This is substantive editing.
I copy edit texts in English, French, and Spanish.
Steps to publishing your comprehensible reader
Quick steps to a reader-friendly manuscript
How much will it cost?
I charge by the hour for copy editing, at $38 per hour.
This covers my reading of your manuscript in MS Word or PDF format, flagging issues and making suggestions directly on the document. I will return the document to you with my comments, summarizing the major issues and any overarching observations via email.
Any follow-up conversation, reading, and commentary is also billed at $38 per hour.
How long will it take you to
copy edit my manuscript?
Estimating a copy editing job is tough, especially if this is our first time working together. Based on my work with over 30 authors on over 80 books, I can tell you this:
It takes me between 15 minutes and 2 hours to copy edit 1,000 words;
I average 1,200 words per hour. -
I include the glossary in my word count. It can take almost as long to edit the glossary as the story.
It makes a big difference if you have done the formatting suggested in our Quick steps to a reader-friendly manuscript video or handout.
Anny Ewing has retired from editing Language Learner Literature. Over the past year, Lauren Fosnight (Spanish, Portuguese, & English) and Pamela Vasquez (French), have trained extensively with Anny on all aspects of the editing process. Please contact one of them for your editing needs.
Anny Ewing, retired copy editor